
Applications in different Industry Segments

  • Smart Pole for Smart City 580 by 428
    Showtime Tech
    Smart Pole for Smart City
  • Ticket IT Roll labels
    Showtime Tech
    Roll Label Printing
  • Smart City 580 by 428
    Showtime Tech
    Smart city solutions
  • rIOT Multi Sensor board 580 by 428
    Showtime Tech
    rIOT Multi-Sensor board
  • Smart rIOT powered Kiosk
    Showtime Tech
    Smart rIOT powered Kiosk
  • Shelf TV
    Showtime Tech
    Digital Shelf Labels
  • Moviik Euro Cell 3
    Showtime Tech
    Scan and Get Queue number
  • Ticket-IT Print on the Go
    Showtime Tech
    Mobile Ticketing
  • Moviik Euro Cell 4
    Showtime Tech
    Know the number of people ahead of you
  • View Sensor Details
    Showtime Tech
    rIOT Sensor Data monitor
  • Duty Free
    Showtime Tech
    Airport Duty Free Digital Signage
  • Smart Pole 580 by 428
    Showtime Tech
    Smart Pole

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